In Beauty, Jag Lever

How I organize my Make-Up

Organization can be hard to achieve when living in smaller apartments, but I have found just the solution!

When I was at my old apartment, storage space was slimmmm. I had a tiny bathroom with one cabinet below my sink to somehow store all of my beauty products and hair accessories. I eventually found these beautiful storage solutions that I wanted to share with you guys! They seriously changed my life.

My once cluttered cant find anything cabinet became a cabinet I enjoyed opening up and rummaging through because I could see everything that I had. That is SUPER key for me in my new apartment. (Ps… moving posts coming soon!)

Here are the links to these items:

Lipstick Organizer can be found here.

Make up brush organizer is here.

Drawers with extra organizer on top can be found here.

Liquid Lipstick organizer is here.

Palette organizer is here.

I hope you guys enjoy! xo

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Jag Lever

I love blogging, fashion, cooking, my cats and coffee.

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Next PostChinatown


  1. GrettA
    7 years ago

    Awesomeness! 💗

  2. sara nena
    7 years ago

    I am definitely get some of these!!!! so clever…and the lipstickstand?! genial
    For now i have this one

    not bad, but this set sounds great


  3. Beautiful & Young
    7 years ago

    Good idea with these organizers 🙂 I don’t have many cosmetics so i just keep them in a box and banity bag.

  4. Sora
    7 years ago

    I love the way you organize your stuff! :DD

    Also, you have a really pretty new layout! ^^.

    Sora |

  5. Rachel Denys
    5 years ago

    Hi, Rachel such a valuable information thanks for sharing.
    Rachel Denys recently posted…Best Dark Circle RemoverMy Profile


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