In Jag Lever


A long long time ago, I asked what you wanted to see more of from me and my blog, and you mostly answered “more about your personal life.” So here I am, pouring my heart out…

The last few days have been amazing. Incredible. Full of friends, family, food and great stories. I have had recent discoveries such as knowing that nothing nor no one can come before your friends. Your friends are who will be there when you fall, when you smile, however it may be. Always give time to them, for they are second most important to your family. In the words of LL: “Love as much as you can. Your heart can take it, you can love one and then another just as much but different.” It’s true.

I’ve read wise things. I’ve heard wise lyrics. I have been wrapped up in a blanket of music. Listen to the Cave Singers. Listen to Lykke Li. (you already know Lykke Li has been my love for as long as we all can remember…) I may as well write a list. I am thinking of making a mix tape as a gift to all of you. A mix tape of my life, in music. It is so much easier to live in song. Anyway, they will be the light guiding you home. They have been for me.

I feel like I don’t write much like this often. If I think of what to write it’s at odd hours like 3 am or when I wake up and I love my bed too much to get up to find a place to put my thoughts. I have been over sleeping and loving the sea of blankets and pillows in the soft morning light.

I love Chicago and I’ve realized it more over time. I could not go back to Michigan and love it the same as I used to, unless I vanished to the upper peninsula and lived amongst the trees. Michigan and I had a good relationship, but it was going nowhere. The upper peninsula and I flirt occasionally over the summer, oh summer loving…

Chicago has made me a better person. It has opened my eyes artistically, forced me to grow in ways Michigan could not have. It has given me the opportunity I needed to grow as an artist. And here I am, 23 and feeling like I’m still growing but there isn’t enough room in my pot. I’m ready for the next big thing. Always slowly inching forward but in no particular direction…

I hope we all find what we are looking for.

I’ll leave you with my favorite Cave Singers song…


It’s been my ringtone for a while now.


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Jag Lever

I love blogging, fashion, cooking, my cats and coffee.

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