In Jag Lever, Outfits

Woman of the woods.


Current favorite coat.

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Just a quick little outfit post today since tonight Noelle and I are celebrating our birthdays with our friends and tomorrow morning I depart to Michigan for family fun! This next week is going to be very fun and exciting for me. I love visiting home and celebrating anything with my crazy huge family. It’s always an awesome time!

This outfit was styled around this faux fur coat which is currently my go-to. The boots, coat and dress are all by French Connection. I really love their F/W pieces this year!

I hope you guys have an amazing weekend. I can’t believe I’ll be 27 tomorrow. Eek!

In this look… coat, dress and boots c/o FCUK.

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Jag Lever

I love blogging, fashion, cooking, my cats and coffee.

Previous PostOur Traditions (& win free boots!)
Next PostMade it to Michigan.


  1. Sun Moon
    9 years ago

    Happy birthday! Have a wonderful year!
    I love the coat, but that boho dress is so fine, from color to a tree & cashmere print!
    Sun Moon recently posted…Birthday princess dressMy Profile

  2. Olivia Fleming
    9 years ago

    Gorgeous woodland style! I adore this~

  3. Natty
    9 years ago

    Amazing photos!
    Natty recently posted…My Vegan Food DiaryMy Profile

  4. Snapshot Fashion
    9 years ago

    Happy birthday!!!
    Love this look. I would have never thought to put those shoes with that dress…but I LOVE IT!
    Snapshot Fashion recently posted…Gift Guide: The Creative TypeMy Profile

  5. Upton
    9 years ago

    Gorgeous photos!! Nice

  6. Dominique
    9 years ago

    That coat is indeed fabulous! I always love your colour schemes…

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  8. Ashely
    8 years ago

    Jou Jou’s faux leather moto jacket takes youreverydaystyle up a notch and gives you instant rocket edge with its band collar and cool moto jacket accents!


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