In Jag Lever

Stileboard: a new source for outfit inspiration.


No clue what to pair with that gifted item you received, or that impulse buy with the crazy print? Fear not, there is a new fashion community that is there for you! Stileboard is a great solution to gain quick style advice from people globally. The community is made up of stylish members and even certified style experts, but anyone that has a love for fashion is encouraged to join and give advice to friends in need!

After digging around the site myself, I would sum it up by saying it’s almost like Pinterest but solely fashion-based, with a broader range of usability. Upon signing up, one can take a picture of their own item in their closet (or they can use a picture from the store they purchased the item from) and ask their friends for help styling the item. The user has the ability to change the privacy of their post to show to either the entire community, or just their friends on the site.

Then, anyone (depending on the privacy of the post) can choose items that they think would go well with what the user posted. One can even classify what they need the look for, such as an interview… drinks… speed dating. You name it!

Stileboard will be a great website to use to gain inspiration for your own closet, even if you aren’t in need of help pairing a specific piece.
The website will be launching shortly and it is currently open for registration! Register on Stileboard by clicking here.

I find that people aspiring to become better stylists would really benefit from using this site, because practice honestly makes perfect! This is a great way to do so, and the layout is clear and concise so one can see the items they’ve put together for a look.

Do you think you would benefit from using Stileboard? Leave your feedback in the comments!



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Jag Lever

I love blogging, fashion, cooking, my cats and coffee.

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  1. colinechavaroche
    11 years ago

    Nice selection 🙂

    Coline ♡

  2. heyniki
    11 years ago

    This is cool! I think I would definitely benefit from it. Thanks!


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