Step 1: Pick your favorite length shorts and lay them out over your jeans. Make lines for where to cut at the bottom giving yourself a little extra room just in case.
Step 2: Cut the jeans where you’ve made the line. If they are too long, slowly keep cutting them shorter until you get to the desired length.
Step 3: If you would like to make them distressed, draw dotted lines where you would like the holes to be.
Step 4: Carefully using the scissors hold them so the sharp part of the blade is on the jeans. Rub the scissors back and forth over the lines until they become open. Then you can use the blade to open the rest of the hole as far as you’d like.
Step 5: If you have a dryer, throw the shorts in there for a little while to make the frays more visible. Or, you can use the scissors and rub the edges to make them more frayed.
I took my extra scraps and braided them for a faux denim belt. It’s more for decor since my scraps weren’t long enough for an entire belt. I just braided 3 equal sized pieces of scrap denim and then tied the ends to the belt loops.
Ta da! Enjoy your new shorts in the warm weather and at festivals!
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