The snow always makes me so happy! We’ve only had a few solid snows here in New York so when it happens I take the opportunity to shoot in the beautiful flakes. Recently I partnered with Valley Eyewear because I seriously wanted to try out a new pair of their frames, I love the bold look! I’ve been wearing my own frames so much lately (from BonLook) that it was nice to switch it up for a moment. These are a newer pair from Valley and they will be coming out I believe in march!
I also wore my new scarf from Dr. Martens which many of you have said has a slytherin vibe on IG, which I am fully okay with 😉
I love you guys oh so much! Shop items similar to my look below:
• 8 years agoThe snow in contrast with your hair looks beautiful. It is threatening to snow in Scotland but it hasn’t happened yet! <3
Gisforgingers xx
Claire recently posted…Student Bedroom Tour
Kinga Kurek
• 8 years agoThe images you look so good! It honestly, reminds me of a high end campaign <3
The snow looks amazing in these photos!!! <3
Kinga xx
Kinga Kurek recently posted…STYLE | BLOOD
Saskia Bzn
• 8 years agoI love your boots !
La Robe Noire
IG : @Saskiabzn
Saskia! xo
Saskia Bzn recently posted…INSTANEWS #2
Audrey | Brunch at Audrey's
• 8 years agoThis is so beautiful! You’re like an edgy, modern day Snow White! -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s
Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s recently posted…Heart over head – 2/12